Our product has been individually designed to benefit vacation owners
Our clients enjoy the numerous benefits of Loyalty Buyback program and legal protection. Loyalty Capital Rewards maintains a security fund, which covers all of their obligations.
Our terms allow a full year for our clients to claim their Loyalty Buyback Program. We repay the full amount indicated in our agreement, regardless of the outcome.
Loyalty Capital Rewards announced the launch of the flexible Loyalty Buyback Program. A deferred income Buyback that provides a future lump sum return, coupled with an innovative level of flexibility.
Our product has been individually designed to benefit vacation owners and enhance the value of their membership. Our Loyalty Buyback Program guarantees a lump sum payment upon maturity, equal to the total cost/value of your vacation ownership. We accomplish this through a specialized, fixed-term investment strategy that is linked to your vacation plan. You can ensure full repayment of your initial purchase and annual vacation expenses, by applying a small, one-time percentage to an buyback plan. The extensive legal protections fully guarantee the buyback and you are ensured to receive the total amount stated in our agreement.
Our team is comprised of consultants with decades of experience working with resorts, their directors, and the vacation owners that enjoy their services. We have discovered that despite all the luxurious advantages, potential members can sometimes be hesitant to invest in vacation ownerships without an added, secure benefit. Loyalty Capital Rewards provides this exact beneficial incentive, protected by worldwide banking and investment laws. Our product is an exciting discovery for vacation owners, as well as a rewarding and worthwhile benefit for resort developers. By taking advantage of our Loyalty Buyback Program, your favorite resorts experience increased revenue security, which allows them the freedom to further enhance your vacation experience.
Loyalty Capital Rewards welcomes and appreciates your feedback. Email your questions or comments to us any time by filling out the form below. For even faster assistance, please enter your Membership number in the space provided.
Our clients enjoy the numerous benefits of Loyalty Buyback Program and legal protection. Loyalty Capital Rewards maintains a security fund, which covers all of their obligations plus an additional security margin. This fund is segregated from the company's operating assets, with the sole priority being their safety. This safety net is another important component that allows us to guarantee a full return on our clients' insurances, as stated in our agreement and detailed in our terms and conditions. We manage the Loyalty Buyback Program for the full duration and the payout sum is fixed, so any stock market fluctuations are entirely our concern. The benefit? Peace of mind for our clients and full investment integrity.
1 800 966 6721 (USA/CANADA)
01 800 123 9553 (MÉXICO)